Decision Record
The following are decisions that have been taken by the chair, members or clerk as proper officer of the parish council, under the Emergency Scheme of Delegation as a result of the Coronavirus Bill 2020 and associated government restrictions. St Tudy Parish Council are voting on issues by email and details of these votes are kept on the list below for reasons of public transparency. The register below is made in accordance with the 2014 Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations.
For further details, please contact the clerk by email at Information exempted under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the General Data Protection Regulations marked * will not be published.
Meetings resumed by Zoom from June 24th and a record of decisions made are within the minutes of these meetings [here]. Of neccessity, additional decisions need to be made between meetings and a record of these is kept below.
Decision proposal N:
Date of Decision
Reference Number
Decision Taken By
Ratified by council vote?
Financial Value
S137 Yes or No
Further details
Decision proposal 15: The parish council resolve to stop payments to the village hall on behalf of the shop. The village hall management committee shall retain the SO of £840 but the balancing payment of £770 will not be paid to them.
Date of Decision: Voting complete by 19.06.2020
Decision Taken By councillors vote by email. Unanimous with 10 votes
Financial Value +£770
Further details: The clerk will email the village hall committee to confirm that this payment is suspended.
Decision proposal 14: 'propose that the PC undertakes to give the bus shelter a makeover using volunteers and receipt materials to the parish council'.
Proposed by Cllr Lane & seconded by Cllr. Wood:
Date of Decision 08.06.2020
Decision Taken By. Council vote by email
Further details: 6 voters approved this proposal - 4 non voters
Decision proposal 13: Decision to approve the accounting statements in the Annual Audit AGAR form
Date of Decision: 12.07.2020
Decision Taken By Council vote by email
Further details: Approved by nine voters
Decision proposal 12: Decision to approve the Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-2020
Date of Decision: 12.07.2020
Decision Taken By Council vote by email
Further details Approved by nine voters
Decision proposal 11: Decision to approve Certificate of Exemption for External Auditors figures of gross annual income or 2019-2020 [£12,958] and gross annual expenditure [£11,833]
Date of Decision: 12.07.2020
Decision Taken By Council vote by email
Further details. Approved by nine voters
Decision proposal 10: Planning proposal PA20/03054: Demolition of existing garage and construction of detached garage; addition of two rear extensions; addition of porch; alterations to and replacement of windows; removal of chimney stack; addition of external windows; alteration of openings in side elevations, etc. Wetherick Tremeer Lane St Tudy Bodmin PL30 3NF
Date of Decision. Completed 15.05.2020
Decision Taken By. Council vote by email
Further details: The council decided by a majority of nine to 1 in favour of this application.
Decision proposal 9b: With the audit and alterations to usual practice the clerk is 18 hours over time. Payment for addition 18 hours to be made to clerk at new rate and processed through payroll.
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 100% support via online vote
Financial Value: £293.68 in a one-off payment
S137 No
Further details: Clerk to contact payroll with this as addition payments have to be processed. Check to be drawn up for signing.
Decision proposal 9a: The clerks hourly rate for 9 hours per week to increase from LC2 level 33 to LC2 level 34, which is an increase from * to * per hour
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 100% support via online vote
Financial Value: £6.84 per week > £355.68 per year
S137 No
Further details: The clerk will contact payroll regarding increase and write a letter to bank for co-signing asking for SO to be changed. Also check with HMRC for tax implications.
Decision proposal 8: The payment for allotment rental cycle is reduced for those joining 6 months or more into the financial year, to half the due annual payment
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 9 support, 1 object. Proposal supported by majority
Financial Value: not determined
S137 No
Further details: This is a request from the allotment 'collective'. It needs to be put into the 'rules' which should be ratified by councillors by vote.
Clerk to incorporate into draft rules and distribute draft rules for vote / alteration / ratification
Decision proposal 7d: The cost of providing the access point between the two cemeteries is paid for equally between the PC and the PCC
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 7 support, 3 abstain. Proposal supported by majority
Financial Value: Present estimate includes gate at £2,700. Earlier quote is just throughway @ about £700
S137 No
Further details:
Extent of work to be decided with PCC. Funding sources to be re-identified.
Decision proposal 7c: The leased land is to be maintained by the PCC as described in Cornwall's 'Living Churchyard Project', with input from the PC as required.
Further discussion is needed on the impact of trees and land management using sheep.
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 8 support, 2 abstain. Proposal supported by majority
Financial Value: not determined
S137 No
Further details:
Problem exists that the land needs management in the short-term whilst legal status is determined / established.
A neighbour suggests sheep which may eat the hedge and recently-planted trees - may be a short-term solution if these are protected.
The PC doesn't presently have a maintenence contractor and the clerk is investigating. The only applicant interested so far does not have the described qualifications in LMP contract.
Councillors investigating 'someone' who might mow it whilst a 'management schedule' established by PCC / PC
Reply to PM over concerns with too large trees.
Decision proposal 7b: The PC lease all of the cemetery land to the PCC at a peppercorn rate of £99 or £1 a year to be agreed for a period of 99 years.
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 8 support, 2 abstain. Proposal supported by majority
Financial Value: £99
S137 No
Further details:
The PC now need to determine this decision legally.
Does a specific document need to be drawn up by solicitor?
What are the costs associated with this and who is liable for them?
Can a pro-forma or pre-existing agreement be used?
Decision proposal 7a: The parish council request that the fence between the access lane and the sports field is to be re-installed.
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 6 support, 2 object, 2 abstain. Proposal supported by majority
Financial Value: x
S137 No
Further details: Negotiation with Playing Fields Association underway
Decision proposal 6: The minutes of the previous 'meeting' (March 2020) provide a correct record of events
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 100% support via online vote
Financial Value: x
S137 No
Further details:
Decision proposal 5: PA20/02518. Ivy Cottage, Wadebridge Rd. Building consent for aesthetic works only. Deadline for response 18.05.20
Date of Decision: 04.05.20
Decision Taken By: 100% support via online vote
Financial Value: x
S137 No.
Further details: Clerk to inform planning dept
Decision proposal 4: RE: Maenne Park PA20/00444
1. Cllr. SR will continue to oppose any development of plots 4 and 5 for the reasons already discussed.
2. However, if there are indications the PA will get full approval, Cllr. SR could suggest an agreement to plot 4 as rounding off, with a view to this being the last house on the development.
We all agree that plot 5 could not be considered to be rounding off. Therefore, for the sake of preparedness, we need to vote on the following: Agree / Agree to disagree / Object
'Should, and only if the need arises, the PC agrees to Cllr. SR negotiating an agreement on plot 4 as rounding off and plot 5 not to be permitted'.
Date of Decision. 22.04.2020
Decision Taken By. Cllr Vote via email
Ratified by council vote? 6 against and 4 in agreement
Further details: See decision 3 below
Decision proposal 3: PA20/00444 for the outline application for the erection of two dwellings, together with extension to new access drive approved under PA19/04773 at Maenne Parc. 5 Day Protocol from planning officer AW.
Date of Decision. Deadline for response Monday 20th April
Ratified by council vote? The parish Council voted unanimously for Option 3 as described below on 15.04.2020
Further details: The parish council have 5 working days to decide whether to
1. Agree with my recommendation;
2. Agree to disagree; or
3. Having made strong planning reasons maintain your objection for the proposal against my recommendation and request that the application is determined by the Planning Committee. In this circumstance it will be important for a representative from your Council to attend and speak at the Planning Committee meeting to enable the Members to fully understand your Council’s strong planning reasons for proposing a decision that is contrary to that of the case officer.
Decision proposal 2: paying of bills and setting up standing order for payment to village hall
Date of Decision:14.04.2020 > ongoing
Decision Taken By: clerk, cheques posted to and co-signed by chair
Ratified by council vote? No but publicised to all members
S137 Financial Value: a committment up to £4500 in payments to village hall over 6 months. Standing order to Village Hall for £840 per month for 5 months payable on 1st month retrospectively balancing payment by cheque = £4200
Further details:
Renewal of insurance - £373.60
DM payroll services - £73
CALC annual membership subscription: £308.69
GDPR ICO charge £40
Decision proposal 1: In order that St Tudy Parish Council can operate in a legal, accountable, transparent and democratic manner, I propose that we adopt the OFFICE DELEGATED DECISION REGISTER 2020 which replaces decisions made at regular meetings. This will remain in place while the COVID 19 crisis continues.
Proposed by the chair
Date of Decision. 09.04.2020
Reference Number. Vote 1
Ratified by council vote: 8 supporting votes including chair
Financial Value: NA
S137 No
Further details: the council resolved to make decisions by online vote
Decision proposal
Date of Decision
Reference Number
Decision Taken By
Ratified by council vote?
Financial Value
S137 Yes or No
Further details
Decision proposal
Date of Decision
Reference Number
Decision Taken By
Ratified by council vote?
Financial Value
S137 Yes or No
Further details